Saturday, April 3, 2010

The end....and the Beginning

Well here I am. I started this journey a bit more than 300 days ago, wanting only to understand this faith. I had no intentions on accepting it as my own, and yet something happened in me that I can't explain. It didn't happen all at once it wasn't as if I had an epiphany or a particular "ah ha" moment. It was a gradual process, a gentle tug that gave way to a strong yerning to be a part of something greater than myself. I felt more at peace durning those early morning readings than I could ever imagine. I began to see God in the everyday decisions that I made, I found that when I had a problem, I was able to turn it over to Him and feel safe in the outcome.

Are there holes in the logic? Sure there are, a old skeptic like me will still ask questions but I am now willing to accept faith as an acceptable answer. As someone who has had no faith in anyone or anything for her entire life, this comes as a welcomed gift. Its as if I can let go a little, worry a little less and feel safe and at peace that no matter what everything is going to be alright. I've never felt that way....ever. This is all I wanted, truly. All I wanted was to have faith in something, to be able to believe in something....I got that and so much more.

And so 3 days ago I began my life with a fresh outlook. I have accepted Jesus Christ as the son of God, and my personal savior, I have admitted that I am indeed a sinner and accept that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I accept the 10 commandments as the Law of God, and will try with all of my heart to follow them (especially that murder one, butt that one may be hard).

So, here I am, this is the new and improved me.....this is the beginning.

Psalm 46:10

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Revelations 20-22

An angel comes down and hurls the great dragon into the Abyss and seals it for 1000 years. After which time it must be liberated for a short time. However in the mean time it shant be able to hurt anyone. And then I may need a little clarification. We have 1000 yrs of the devil being confined....then we have Christ for 1000 yrs? Then after that 1000yrs, the devil shall be released again? Butt somewhere in there, presumably before the 1000 of Christ, we have the first resurrection. So if you go by that, somewhere around the year 1033, the devil was let loose a gain? And if they are keeping with the 1000 yrs thing then somewhere around 2033, Jesus shall come again? Then its judgment time folks...come one, come all...
A new glorious and peacefully kind world emerges.
The bowl o plagues angels comes and takes John to see the Lambs bride to be...John sees Jerusalem descending from the heavens. Not the old dirty Jerusalem but a new and improved city, all shiny and new and bejewled.
And there they are:THE PEARLY GATES!
There shall be no need for lamplight or sunlight, God will illuminate. Jamie and I were discussing the idea of light the other night. How Jesus is referred to as the Light. When you boil down life as we know it on earth it all comes down to light. There is absolutely nothing that we need to survive that doesn't come directly or indirectly from the use of light. We simply could not live without it. Thus, I find the vs. 22:5 "and there shall be no more night; they have no need for lamplight or sunlight, for the Lord God will illuminate them and be their light...." So interesting as it relates to our discussion.
John is told then to share to book. Do not add to it or take from it.
So be it......I DID IT.
Tomorrow I shall sum it all up.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Revalations 17-19

One of the angels with one of the bowls o doom came to John and told him that he shall show him what happens to the idol worshipers of the world. John sees a woman on a beast, the woman is drunk with the blood of the martyrs. The angel gives an explanation of the beast on which she is perched. And he describes her downfall at the hands of God as well as the downfall of her followers.
A great heavenly party takes place. Lots of rejoicing, exulting, and then...a wedding! But first Truth on a white horse.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Revelations 13-16

I once had a friend who always gave his phone number this was "388-sign of beast, 5" cracked me up, it did.

So whats with this 666 thing? I had no idea it was actually in the Bible, I just thought it was a morphing of different crap. Whilst the beast is in control, only people with the "mark" are able to buy and sell, etc...
I had NO idea exactly how Biblical the Harry Potter series really is. After reading this whole book and having read that entire series (some more than once) I can't believe some Christians are against these books. Furthur proving my point that you can't critize without proper knowledge.

The death eaters taking over, in the end, they all of the mark on their arm....Harry Potter is called "The Boy who Lived" and the only reason he lived is because his mom sacrificed herself for him. As sacrificial love is the strongest thing, tis what gave him his powers. The whole question of the series is "how is it that little simingly ordinary, Harry can continue to win over Voldemort (the greastest dark wizard who ever lived), and what is this great prophesy?" We find out that the prophesy says that both simply cannot live, one must go, as long as one lives the other can't. Just like Jamie always says, God cannot live with sin, just can't.....doesn't even factor in, because it just can't be. Harry and Voldemort cannot both live, simply can't. Wow, I may have to go back and re read them a gain, whilst I read the Bible a gain and find more connections.  I've read many interview where the author of these books says, after the fact, that yes indeed she is a  Christian. She didn't want to make a big deal of it however because she was afraid the readers would see what was coming in the books. I must admit I, at the time would not have. But now, having read the Bible I would. I'm sure there are countless websites that have already done this (made the connection betwixt the 2) but I, obvioulsy, am a "see for myself kinda gal".

the Lamb has an army standing guard on Mt. Zion, of 144,000 men whom are blameless in everything, no sex, no lies (no videotapes?).....Angels are flying around shouting orders and telling people that those who worship the staues of the beast are in big trouble. Then Jesus comes down on a cloud and He and His angels begin to harvest the earth. They harvest the bad people and throw them into a giant winepress and begin to squish them like grapes and blood pours out like wine. The blood is as deep as a horses back. (fantastic visual)

Then, we meet the 7 angels with the bowl o' plagues that must be emptied....sores, bloody seas, bloody rivers and streams, super hot sun, darkness thus causing gnawing of tongues, dried up Euphrates (which is probably more of a good thing, being that it was nothing but a bloody mess), lastly the voice of God announcing the end.

But not really because then there was a giant earthquake, the likes of which has yet to be seen on this here planet.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Revelations 9-12

As the 7 angels are blowing their trumpets horrible things they are a happenin.

The 5th angel blew his horn and a dark hole to no where opens and smoke like that of a furnace (the smoke monster from Lost???!) comes out and covers the sun. Then thr locust come, but thet are commanded not to kill the plants, and they are given the same stinging powers of the scorpian.

Not each the plants, you say..?

Whatever shall they do then?

They shall sting the people whom do not have the mark of God, until they beg and seek death and yet death is no where to be found ahhhahh hhaaa aahhhhh!

Maddness I tell you, this is maddness.

These are no ordinary locusts, ohhhhh no. These crazy things have on little tiny clothes, and long woman hair and human faces?! I know that this shall be a horrible day for some people but I just wonder, before it gets to the point that you are begging for death,  if they are going to be cracking up, just a bit.

The 6th angel blew his horn allerting 4 angels on earth who were instructed to wipe out 1/3 of mankind.

....and then we get the 7th angel...wait no we don't. Before the seventh angel is ready to blow his horn, John is called to eat the scroll. Its taste great going down, but doesn't sit too well. For when the 7th trumpet sounds God shall secret design will be complete.

AND then we get the 7th angel: A pregnant woman, clothed in the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of stars (I smell my next painting, the painting is already complete in my head actually, just have to get it out of there and onto a canvas). A red dragon (hence the movie title and creepy character) battling angels, basically all hell literally breaks loose....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Revelation 4-8

John gets a glimpse into the interworkings of heaven. 24 throwns, freaky all seeing creatures, a lion, an ox, a man face and an eagle. A scroll needs to be open by a worthy being, and no one seems fit to open it, which causes John to cry. BUTT then it is made known that the Lion, who is the source of David, as being of the tribe of Judah is worthy. A Lamb appears and I'm assuming that the lamb is Jesus. The Lamb breaks the seal, being the only one worthy (Jesus). As each of the seven seals were broken, a terrible world event was shown to happen. War, domination, famine, plague, earthquakes....
Four angels appear however and make sure that none of these things harm the children of God, the Lamb appears to lead these people to safety.
Then the last seal is opened and there is silence (the calm before the storm). Then the seven angels who were standing before God rain fire and brimstone, blood and stars upon the earth. The seas are thus polluted and living creatures perish.
Wormwood is the last name of the terrible father of Matilda, so that makes since.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Revelation 1-3

Oh my goooooodness we are getting so close to the end and I'm starting to freak out and avoid the readings out of a desperate need to keep from reaching the end.

The thing is that I feel so close to this blog, almost like its one of my kids. I've seen this little white box almost ever single day for 301 days. I've blogged from 3 of the Florida Keys, Austin and Houston, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, in the car, in my bed, sitting quietly in my living room at 5:30 in the morning, outside, state parks, my camper...the list goes on and on....

I shall also miss the "ib" text I sent to announce that the deed had bean done, and I will miss anticipating the reciprocal text I get. I will miss the excitement of a new book, especially one I know nothing of. I will miss meeting all of these new people and realizing that through them I learn who I am.

This has been an amazing journey that I got to take with an amazing person who stuck by me and encouraged me through the really difficult times. The times when I was just about ready to throw in the towel and call it quits, he told me to just be patient. And I did. Even when I doubted myself, he never did. I now thank God every single day for bringing such a person into my life. I'm still not sure why I was chosen to receive such a gift be it.

And now Revelations: John was the lucky guy who got to receive this news. Jesus visits him with a bunch of lamps. Seven lamps and seven stars and seven churches. (7's prime you know). I am the Alpha and the Omega the Beginning and the End, such amazingly powerful words, right?! I am everything, all encompassing...

"And I will give him the Morning Star"

"He who is able to hear" These I guess are the true believers, these are the people who will be able to hear what He says when He makes his grand reentance into the physical world?

2:19 I know your record and what you are doing, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your recent work are more numerous and greater than your first ones. I adore the idea of "patient endurance" thats what it took for me to get to where I am today, its what Jamie encouraged.