Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Revelations 13-16

I once had a friend who always gave his phone number this was "388-sign of beast, 5" cracked me up, it did.

So whats with this 666 thing? I had no idea it was actually in the Bible, I just thought it was a morphing of different crap. Whilst the beast is in control, only people with the "mark" are able to buy and sell, etc...
I had NO idea exactly how Biblical the Harry Potter series really is. After reading this whole book and having read that entire series (some more than once) I can't believe some Christians are against these books. Furthur proving my point that you can't critize without proper knowledge.

The death eaters taking over, in the end, they all of the mark on their arm....Harry Potter is called "The Boy who Lived" and the only reason he lived is because his mom sacrificed herself for him. As sacrificial love is the strongest thing, tis what gave him his powers. The whole question of the series is "how is it that little simingly ordinary, Harry can continue to win over Voldemort (the greastest dark wizard who ever lived), and what is this great prophesy?" We find out that the prophesy says that both simply cannot live, one must go, as long as one lives the other can't. Just like Jamie always says, God cannot live with sin, just can't.....doesn't even factor in, because it just can't be. Harry and Voldemort cannot both live, simply can't. Wow, I may have to go back and re read them a gain, whilst I read the Bible a gain and find more connections.  I've read many interview where the author of these books says, after the fact, that yes indeed she is a  Christian. She didn't want to make a big deal of it however because she was afraid the readers would see what was coming in the books. I must admit I, at the time would not have. But now, having read the Bible I would. I'm sure there are countless websites that have already done this (made the connection betwixt the 2) but I, obvioulsy, am a "see for myself kinda gal".

the Lamb has an army standing guard on Mt. Zion, of 144,000 men whom are blameless in everything, no sex, no lies (no videotapes?).....Angels are flying around shouting orders and telling people that those who worship the staues of the beast are in big trouble. Then Jesus comes down on a cloud and He and His angels begin to harvest the earth. They harvest the bad people and throw them into a giant winepress and begin to squish them like grapes and blood pours out like wine. The blood is as deep as a horses back. (fantastic visual)

Then, we meet the 7 angels with the bowl o' plagues that must be emptied....sores, bloody seas, bloody rivers and streams, super hot sun, darkness thus causing gnawing of tongues, dried up Euphrates (which is probably more of a good thing, being that it was nothing but a bloody mess), lastly the voice of God announcing the end.

But not really because then there was a giant earthquake, the likes of which has yet to be seen on this here planet.

1 comment:

Jamie said...


Tomorrow is Rev. 17-19