Monday, March 29, 2010

Revelations 9-12

As the 7 angels are blowing their trumpets horrible things they are a happenin.

The 5th angel blew his horn and a dark hole to no where opens and smoke like that of a furnace (the smoke monster from Lost???!) comes out and covers the sun. Then thr locust come, but thet are commanded not to kill the plants, and they are given the same stinging powers of the scorpian.

Not each the plants, you say..?

Whatever shall they do then?

They shall sting the people whom do not have the mark of God, until they beg and seek death and yet death is no where to be found ahhhahh hhaaa aahhhhh!

Maddness I tell you, this is maddness.

These are no ordinary locusts, ohhhhh no. These crazy things have on little tiny clothes, and long woman hair and human faces?! I know that this shall be a horrible day for some people but I just wonder, before it gets to the point that you are begging for death,  if they are going to be cracking up, just a bit.

The 6th angel blew his horn allerting 4 angels on earth who were instructed to wipe out 1/3 of mankind.

....and then we get the 7th angel...wait no we don't. Before the seventh angel is ready to blow his horn, John is called to eat the scroll. Its taste great going down, but doesn't sit too well. For when the 7th trumpet sounds God shall secret design will be complete.

AND then we get the 7th angel: A pregnant woman, clothed in the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of stars (I smell my next painting, the painting is already complete in my head actually, just have to get it out of there and onto a canvas). A red dragon (hence the movie title and creepy character) battling angels, basically all hell literally breaks loose....