Sunday, March 28, 2010

Revelation 4-8

John gets a glimpse into the interworkings of heaven. 24 throwns, freaky all seeing creatures, a lion, an ox, a man face and an eagle. A scroll needs to be open by a worthy being, and no one seems fit to open it, which causes John to cry. BUTT then it is made known that the Lion, who is the source of David, as being of the tribe of Judah is worthy. A Lamb appears and I'm assuming that the lamb is Jesus. The Lamb breaks the seal, being the only one worthy (Jesus). As each of the seven seals were broken, a terrible world event was shown to happen. War, domination, famine, plague, earthquakes....
Four angels appear however and make sure that none of these things harm the children of God, the Lamb appears to lead these people to safety.
Then the last seal is opened and there is silence (the calm before the storm). Then the seven angels who were standing before God rain fire and brimstone, blood and stars upon the earth. The seas are thus polluted and living creatures perish.
Wormwood is the last name of the terrible father of Matilda, so that makes since.


Jamie said...

What's a thrown? Did I hear a 'niner' in there?

Btw, wormwood is also the name of a meteor, I think (which 'co-incidentally' is headed this was).

Whendsome said...

throne, and yes tis a comet named wormwood.