Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Revalations 17-19

One of the angels with one of the bowls o doom came to John and told him that he shall show him what happens to the idol worshipers of the world. John sees a woman on a beast, the woman is drunk with the blood of the martyrs. The angel gives an explanation of the beast on which she is perched. And he describes her downfall at the hands of God as well as the downfall of her followers.
A great heavenly party takes place. Lots of rejoicing, exulting, and then...a wedding! But first Truth on a white horse.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

So much for the peaceful, all-forgiving, Jesus of love everyone who knows little of the New Testament claims will automatically forgive no matter what and will not hold us accountable. God will love you all the way to the gates of Hell (and probably beyond), but that won't save you, in and of itself. Salvation through belief in Him and subsequent adherence to His commandments will. God's love manifests itself through grace, giving us the OPPORTUNITY to be saved. So people who ignore what God says is sin in the Bible (including homsexuality) because they claim 'love' is the overall premise of the Bible are wholly wrong....they have ears, yet cannot hear, and eyes, yet cannot see.

Tomorrow's reading is Revelation 20-22.