Thursday, April 1, 2010

Revelations 20-22

An angel comes down and hurls the great dragon into the Abyss and seals it for 1000 years. After which time it must be liberated for a short time. However in the mean time it shant be able to hurt anyone. And then I may need a little clarification. We have 1000 yrs of the devil being confined....then we have Christ for 1000 yrs? Then after that 1000yrs, the devil shall be released again? Butt somewhere in there, presumably before the 1000 of Christ, we have the first resurrection. So if you go by that, somewhere around the year 1033, the devil was let loose a gain? And if they are keeping with the 1000 yrs thing then somewhere around 2033, Jesus shall come again? Then its judgment time folks...come one, come all...
A new glorious and peacefully kind world emerges.
The bowl o plagues angels comes and takes John to see the Lambs bride to be...John sees Jerusalem descending from the heavens. Not the old dirty Jerusalem but a new and improved city, all shiny and new and bejewled.
And there they are:THE PEARLY GATES!
There shall be no need for lamplight or sunlight, God will illuminate. Jamie and I were discussing the idea of light the other night. How Jesus is referred to as the Light. When you boil down life as we know it on earth it all comes down to light. There is absolutely nothing that we need to survive that doesn't come directly or indirectly from the use of light. We simply could not live without it. Thus, I find the vs. 22:5 "and there shall be no more night; they have no need for lamplight or sunlight, for the Lord God will illuminate them and be their light...." So interesting as it relates to our discussion.
John is told then to share to book. Do not add to it or take from it.
So be it......I DID IT.
Tomorrow I shall sum it all up.


Jamie said...

There's no indication that they're referring to Christ's resurrection when they mention the 'first resurrection'. I think most scholars think they are talking about the first resurrection of the saints. Remember we read that the dead in Christ shall rise first? I'm not sure, but I wouldn't attach any dates to it.


I am astounded and astonished at Crystal's commitment and dedication to this 'project'. It's really quite unbelievable as I told her earlier today. Thanks to all who read along and participated in the blog. I will not be commenting on Crystal's last post tomorrow. I'll leave that to her. May everyone attached to this blog receive according to what they deserve according to the grace, mercy, righteousness, and justice of the nomine de Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

MiMi said...

Jamie, as Crystal's mother in law and a Christian, I have prayed for her. I asked a priest a few years ago what to do about Crystal. He said pray for patience which I have tried to do. I will continue to pray for you and thank God for what Christ through you has done for her.

Jamie said...

Thank you, Jean.

Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Nathan. i read your testimony and it touched my heart. I understand the peace that you feel, and that faith in Jesus Christ is a wonderful thing.

Keep it up with this project, but never forget who your representing. Deliver the truth as effectively and righteously.

God Bless