Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jude 2Peter

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.....take a sad song and make it better....remember to let her into your heart and then you can start to make it better......better.......better .....BETTTER ahhhhhhhhhhh. ( I'm not bragging here....ok maybe I am butt, I actually saw Paul McCartney sing that song live in Memphis. That's right, folks you read that correctly...this 37year old has seen 1/4 of the Beatles).

Again in this book, we see talk of the Lost. Verse 10 is my favorite in this one. At the start of this wild wacky ride, I was asked many times by people close to me "why", because they knew I wasn't a Christian at the time. I always said to them....."how can I judge this faith without knowing it?" Just as 10 says...I did this time and time again.

I rarely now allow anyone to judge something they don't it the Bible, a movie, a book.... With me you don't get an opinion unless you at least attempt an understanding of it.

There will be scoffers, this I know. I was a HUGE scoffer. This is a letter warning of the temptations that lie around, be on your guard at all times. Nothing should necesssarily be up for interpretation, tis what it is. Lascivious doings, indeed.


Jamie said...

I thought you'd say something about the rather poetic style of this writer.

Jamie said...

I thought you'd say something about the rather poetic style of this writer.

Jamie said...

Lewd and lascivious behaviour abounds.

Is there an echo in hear? Or did I whisper in Nancy Pelosi's ear. Ooops, couldn't help myself.

Tomorrow is 1 John 1-3