Thursday, March 25, 2010

1 John 1-3

This was a pretty interesting read. I've always bean a fan of the "light vs dark" analogy and the first chapter spends a lot of time describing just that.
Then John moves from that to love. What is good to love and what is not so good to love. Saying in 3:18, do not only love in theory and speech, but in deed and truth.
And somewhere along the way there is talk of allowing the "divine sperm" to live in you always....and that's all I have to say about that.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

This reading was all about, if you're truly a Christian that you will act like one. If you become or are a Christian and sincerely strive to live like one (not willfully/habitually sinning and living a life of sin - basically showing love - the summation of the commandments/Law) then any sins (mistakes/slip ups) you do make are already covered over and forgiven. If you do not live like a Christian by continually, habitually, and willfully sinning then you were never a Christian to begin with. Sorry Baptists and Catholics.

Tomorrow is 1 John 4-5, 2 John, 3 John.