Wednesday, March 24, 2010

2 Timothy

This book was chock full o' goodness and seems to be the evangelicals how-to book.

2:23 I used to be terrible at this, but as I've gotten older I've gotten better. I try now to recognize when someone is simply trying to pick a fight with me by saying empty and ignorant things. When this happens I shut them down as soon as I can or I simply walk away. Dealing with middle school children and their parents all day and a high school student at home, if I argued every time the opportunity presented itself, I'd be quite grumpy indeed.

2:25-26 is exactly what I was trying to say this weekend when you (Jamie, that is) were having that discussion online. I couldn't' really get my words to say what I was thinking, alas here it it.

I'm probably forgetting tons, but I've more reading to do this morning.... gotta get to it

1 comment:

Jamie said...


Tomorrow (Today) is 2 Peter and Jude.