Monday, March 22, 2010

Hebrews 11-13

Chapter 11 talks mostly about faith with great examples from the Old Testament. We review everyone from Abel to Rahab the prostitute. Why is faith so difficult? I tend to think its because its one of the only things in life you can't fake. You can fake happiness and sadness, even kindness and love can be faked. Faith and trust....those must be real or they negate themselves.

The talk of punishment from the Lord as in punishment from an earthly father made me think of the Opus Dei practice of mortification as a example of something taken out of context and too far. Although I'm not sure this is exactly related to punishment so much as practicing suffering as a way to give homage to Jesus. Its just what I thought of.

"Do not forget or neglect or refuse to extend hospitality to strangers [in the brotherhood- being friendly, cordial, and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously], for thorough it some have entertained angels without knowing it." 13:2

I love that idea, it brings to me mind Clarence visiting George Bailey. Although I think perhaps it should include those outside the brotherhood as well (under certain circumstances that is).

Be happy with where you are in life, its exactly where you need to be. (again)


Jamie said...

I almost felt like this part was written by a different person. It had a different feel to it.

It seems to me that the talk of punishment goes against 'prosperity' preachers. God will use things to correct believers.

Tomorrow (today) is 2 Timothy

Jamie said...

Let me expound on the prosperity preacher comment...God both punishes and rewards. Anyone who teaches one without the other is not preaching the whole truth and either giving their followers false sense of security or a false sense of condemnation.