Thursday, March 11, 2010

Acts 22-23

Paul recounts his history to the angry mob and he almost win them over, too....until he says that he was told to go into the Gentile nations. Well THAT did it and he was right back where he started. They take him to the barracks and bind him a gain, until they find out that he is indeed a Roman citizen by birth. Now they've done it, as you cant condemn a Roman citizen without a trail.

sooooo they unbind him and bring him before a council of priests and such. Paul stands before them and pleads his case an in doing so he causes a tiff betwixt the two factions....the Sadducees (who believe in no resurrection, nor spirit, nor angel) and the Pharisees this leads to Paul once more being taken to the barracks. He has a little chat with the Lord all the while a plot was being formed against him by the Jews.

The plot is found out however and avoided. Paul is then sent away to Antipatris.


Jamie said...

Paul tells them to take off their white wigs and stop judging.

Tomorrow is Acts 24-26

Whendsome said...

I TOTALLY meant to write that, I can't believe I forgot.