Friday, March 12, 2010

Acts 24-26

Who would have ever though Felix to be a Biblical name?!

Ok wait.....Felix and his wife Drusilla?! Is this a joke? Is there a hidden camera in my living room? Has someone doctored me Bible? Felix and Drusilla sittin in a tree?! really? Huh. Crazy man, cray.....zee.

Paul is defending himself a gain. He has spent some 2 years in prison and by the end of the reading Felix has retired and Festus (?Festivus for the restofus?) has replaced him. Paul recounts once more his past and how Jesus came to him one day on the road and yadd yadda yadda he was no longer Saul but was now Paul...

Festus calls him..mad! "mad I tell you, you great learning is driving you insane" but in the end everyone agrees he most defiantly shouldn't be put to death or even imprisoned.

1 comment:

Jamie said...


Tomorrow is Acts 27-28