Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Luke 22 John 13

The Last Supper once again. Is 22:18 one reason some religions do not drink, I wonder? I can see how someone who was very devout could take that and think "I too shan't taste the fruit of the vine until I see the kingdom of. God arrive". (No mention of the hops and barley though!) Which is great IF its a personal decision.
And then I also wonder if there was a crazy awkward silence whence He announced His betrayer to be at the very table in which He is to have His last meal.
I find John 13:8-17 very interesting and telling. At its core, I guess its the golden rule, but I see more to it as well. Its sorta like the idea of "pay it forward". If we all just did a little to help someone else and they in turn did a little to help someone and so on and so on.... BUTT if it stops, then its all lost. AND what if it stops always on the same people. Hmmmmmmm
Here's an interesting, albeit very shallow example of this...last week when I was having a particularly frustrating day at work (I actually had to walk out on my class to take a mental health moment), I walked down to the lounge like Charlie Brown, with my head hung low. And just as I was about to walk into the lounge I looked up and a student teacher was walking towards me and just out of the blue, with not an ounce of joy in my voice I said "those are really pretty boots" (I said it was shallow) I meant it, just couldn't muster up the strength to say it gleefully. Her face lit up and she said "thank you!". You may have to be a woman to get this, but it mattered to her.
Anyway in the next minute another teacher walked in the lounge and said to me outta the blue also "you are really looking good these days". When you work so hard to get to the gym everyday, this means A LOT. Even when it happened I thought it strange that I had just given the student teacher a compliment, and then received one.
I'm in no way, shape, or form saying that this was a life changing moment. What I am saying is sometimes its just the little things we need help with. Just a kind word, or a shared laugh, or a sounding board....the everyday stuff.
I think I digress...?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

It could be. People take ALL kinds of things out of context. We've already seen the taking of extreme views on other relatively benign verses or comments. Handling of snakes, racism, Peter and the Catholic church, dress, etc. Which prompts me to doubt Catholics claims that Peter was somehow chosen to lead THE church. Jesus even goes so far as to pray for Peter's lack of faith. I'd say that doesn't bode well. And we see that John is the disciple whom Jesus loved (gays try to interpret more here than there is). Peter, I feel, even tries to, again, get Jesus to wash more of him which seems to me to say he wants Jesus to bestow more power and glory and authority by doing this (because Jesus says by washing his feet he is qualified to share in Him), but Jesus says no; they shall all get the same...sorry Pete. Besides, I wonder about Peter, here, he seems to use the word "man" a lot.

I think 13:8-17 is deeper than that. It's about service in general. It's about good leadership putting its 'followers' above himself. Becoming least, so that you can become greatest. Jesus wants us to have a service-minded be like him....Christ-like...Christian. Also vs. 16 is telling, too, of a warning for the disciples to NOT elevate themselves above Him....A servant is not greater than his master, and no one who is sent is superior to the one who sent him. Jesus is saying He is not greater than God, and His disciples are not greater than Him. True leadership is service in many ways. When I was in the Army, we had what we called the three M' Mission, my Men, and that order. Our non-comissioned officers never ate before their men when we were out in the field.

I really liked your example of giving. A lot of people think giving only applies to money, but in fact, sometimes the best gift you can give is your time, talents, compliments, smile, joy, etc. When you do that, you are letting your light shine and showing love...just as Jesus commanded us in this text.

Tomorrow is John 14-17