Thursday, February 4, 2010


First off I have to have a personal, inside moment to sort of freak out and ask "who is Thomas and where did he come from?"
There is a bunch to take in today. I may actually have to come back to it later and add more as it all sinks in.
Its Jesus last talk with his peeps and he has much to say.
Some are still asking to see God. Jesus responds to them "have I been with all of you for so long a time, and do you not recognize and know Me yet."
"Believe Me that I am the Father and the Father in me; or else believe me for the sake is the works themselves."
He is asked why shall He reveal himself to them and not to the world.
He responds by saying that He will make himself known to those who want to see Him and want to know Him.
Jesus also says that he shall now call his peeps "friends" and no longer servants, and commands that they love one another.
He then totally steals my childbirth analogy! But it is a perfect comparison I must say, so I will allow it.
I have run out of friend may say the rest of what I have, butt If not I shall return.


Jamie said...

Crystal and I have decided to kind of have a do-over. I usually peruse the text before I post it, but failed to do so this time. There is just simply too much in this reading to do well all at once. So, after consulting with Crystal we've decided to only blog about 14-15 today, and 16-17 tomorrow. I'm going to wait to say anything about the text until she has a chance to re-post after she gets home from work.

Jamie said...

OK, Crystal says she has nothing additional to add to 14-15, so here goes mine.....

Jesus assures us of His return in the beginning of chapter 14.

Jesus tells of the imminent gift of the Holy Spirit. He goes on to say that if we believe in Him, then when He dies, we will die with Him, and likewise because He will rise (live) we too we rise (live). Jesus tells that if we love Him we will obey His commandments. And if we obey His commandments He(God) will dwell in us.

Backing up a little, we see in vs. 6 that Jesus expressly says that "no one comes to the Father except by (through)" Him. So, no priest can pray for you. You cannot go through a priest to get to the Father(God). The whole notion of confession as it relates to having a priest pray for you and present your petition(s) to God is total nonsense. Some "translations" even say that there is no mediator (intercessor) between God and made except Jesus Christ. This and another verse I will note later is why we pray, "In Jesus Name.." Jesus as the sacrifice and surrogate and advocate for us and our sins is the ONLY person who can petition God on our behalf. tbc....

Jamie said...

We see that it is the Holy Spirit that will act on Jesus' (God's) behalf after Jesus is resurrected and returns to God's right hand, not ANY of the disciples, including Peter or subsequently the Pope. And to say otherwise is borderline blasphemous. (vs.26) Why would God send the Holy Spirit if He were going to give the same power and authority to Peter (and the Popes). He would not; besides of all the times we've already read where Jesus was specifically asked which of the disciples would be the greatest, and He made it clear, none.

Jesus left us peace. Not peace as in: the absence of turmoil, but, more importantly, real peace - peace during and despite turmoil. A real inner peace.

Jesus says that sacrificial love is the greatest love of all. This is so true.

15:22 There is no excuse for sin.

Tomorrow is John 16-17.

Jamie said...

The other verse I forgot to note that is another reason we pray, In Jesus Name is 15:16 - " that whatever you ask the Father in My Name... Also 14:13 "...I will do whatever you ask in My Name..." And vs.14 "I will grant whatever you shall ask in My Name."