Friday, February 5, 2010


This is where He talks of leaving them and them not seeing him for a while. Then He says he shall reappear.
"I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that you shall weep and grieve but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but you sorrow will be turned into joy."
What's worse than seeing something you love come to an end!? Its very much how I feel about this blog. I am so sorrowful and grieved by its ending, that I tear up on a regular basis thinking about it. However, there can be no now beginnings without endings. And in seeing it end I know that something even better is waiting to step in and fill that void.
Even though we separated this reading and today we are concentrating on these last two chapter, still there is so much. Every single verse is heavy and weighted down with meanings, ideas and thoughts.
I think, I will stop and let Jamie take it from here....I will add to his if need be.


Jamie said...

Jesus continues to talk about the coming/gift of the Holy Spirit. This is the baptism which all believers should seek. Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Not baptism of water. You do not receive the Holy Spirit through baptism of water. No where in the Scripture does it even insinuate that. Even baptism in the Holy Spirit is really a gift, not a requirement. Likewise, baptism in water is a nice tradition as a testimony to your salvation, it is absolutely not a requirement.

God give us a real inner peace like a wrote about in yesterday's comments. No one can take it from us....unless we let them.

Although some people think Jesus birth to Mary was his beginning, we see in 17:5 that Jesus was with God before the world even existed. As a part of God, He is just as infinite. And in vs. 24 He says that God loved Him before the foundation of the world.

In 17:20 we see that Jesus' sacrifice and redemption are for all those who are to come. His sacrifice is for past, present, and future sins.

Jesus was God's character personified.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow is Matt. 27 and Mark 15