Saturday, February 6, 2010

mark 15 matt 27

Judas is feeling guilty. Here it says that it wasn't exactly guilt like remorse but guilty with dread of consequences? Whatever the reason, he kills himself. I did not know that he did that.
Pilate gave the people a choice, free the prisoner Barabbas or Jesus.
They then took Jesus and ridicule and beat him, spit on him and laughed at him. You know for me, and probably for most people...being laughed at, and ridiculed in a public forum is far worse than physical pain. So its harder for me to read that than the whipping and beating.
Then the deed is done, an now we wait....

1 comment:

Jamie said...

When Jesus dies, the curtain to the Holiest of Holies is torn from top to bottom. This signifies that the Holiest of Holies where God's presence had always bean, is now open to all of us, and no longer just the priests. Very significant.

Tomorrow is Luke 23