Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Matt. 26 and Mark 14

Matt 26
The Last supper. Its the first night of Passover and all 12 are around the table. Jesus tell them that one shall betray him tonight, no one believes it. They eat the bread that is his body and drink the wine that is his blood. He also tells Peter that he shall betray him 3 times before the rooster crows.

And then they go out and Jesus waits....He asks that they stay awake with him, but they don't. Jesus spends his time praying. To me he seems to be telling God that if maybe he's changed his mind about the whole "horrible death" thing, that would be alright.

"He begins to show grief and distress of mind and was deeply depressed..." We are shown many many times how Divine He was and here we see exactly how human He was also, and I find comfort in His foreboding. I see it this way....its like childbirth in that you know its going to be the most awful, terrible pain ever (well, for those of us who do it naturally that is) but you know you have to do it (even though I can remember screaming and crying "i don't wannna do this!!") and in the end you get the most wonderful gift in the whole wide world.

They come, we have the kiss by Judas, the denial by Peter and the trial.


Jamie said...

Jesus prays and asks God if there could be another way...if someone how he might not have to endure this, BUT he also prays Your will be done. Very important.

Peter denies Jesus three times. Yeah, this sounds like someone on whom Jesus would stake the entire church. Especially coupled with having called him, ye of little faith. Some claim the guy that cut off the ear of the guard when the came to arrest Jesus was Peter, but only John says that, the other four gospels do not attribute that action to Peter. Btw, in case you haven't noticed, Peter, James, and John are all close friends. (James and John are brothers)

Tomorrow is Luke 22 and John 13

Jamie said...

somehow, not someone. they not the. other three gospels, not four.