Monday, February 15, 2010

Acts 9-10

Saul is the current bad guy and hes trying to round up all the followers of Christ and have them bound with chains. Whist he is doing this Jesus actually speaks to him and in a round about way, he says "hey Saul....what up with the persecutions!?"

Saul freaks out, Jesus takes his sight and sends him into the nearest town where he has another man restore his sight in His name.

Saul is a convert.

Peter performs a few healings and more converts are added.

Im not feeling it this evening so I'll just let Jamie take it from here....


Jamie said...

We see an all out demand by God and effort by the disciples to spread the word to the Gentiles.

Btw, Saul is/will become Paul. I know, hard to believe. If God can turn him around and use him as one of the greatest men of God, then there is hope for anyone.

Today's (Mon.) reading was/is Acts 11-12

Jamie said...

Tomorrow(Tues.) is Acts 13-14

You/we forgot James being killed [by the sword].

Whendsome said...

Did they choose the name Paul because it rhymed with Saul? What if his name had bean Franklin? Who then would he have become?