Sunday, February 14, 2010

Acts 7-8

Well folks I'm currently living in up in New Orleans with the family for Mardi Gras and I'm finding it difficult to find a moment alone to read and blog. So I will catch up on Monday, but I don't want Jamie to get alllll backed up. SO if he wants to he can go ahead and post his comments

Ok I'm now back......We start off with StePHan and his review lesson. He manages to pack in all the highlights in just one chapter. I happen to find this very very impressive. And for all of his hard work, he gets stoned to death at the finish.

Then we spend a little time with Philip and an Ethiopian eunuch. The E E is attempting to read the book of Isaiah even though he can not apparently speak the language. Philip is drawn over to the carriage in which the EE is sitting and asks him if he can understand what he is reading. The EE responds by saying "How is it possible for me to do so unless someone explains it to me and guides me in the right way"

Indeed, my friend......indeed.

So Phil rides with him and explains it along the way. After hearing the explanation the EE decides hes ready to be baptizes in a pool o water they happen upon. Phil says that if he trusts and believes that Jesus is the son of God and giving to him all of his obedience then he is indeed ready.


Jamie said...

Doesn't the Ethiopian story seem curiously random? Maybe this is the clue that the Ark is in Ethiopia. Maybe this was the seed that was planted to prepare them to receive it; that is, to start a following there.

Stephan is an icredible person. Not only is he rigidly faithful to God, but he is forgiving even at his moment of death to those who are killing him.

I can't help but say Philip with an English accent. Ello Philip. Carriage? Really? Wasn't it a chariot? Or was it a surry with the fringe on top?

Sunday's reading was Acts 9-10

Whendsome said...

It was a surry with the fringe on top and IF you are going to start referencing big broadway musicals like Oklahoma then we are going to be moving into a totally new phase of friendship. I'm just sayin.