Friday, February 12, 2010

Acts 4-6

We see more acts of sharing and communal property. Which means there will probably be more discussion of socialism vs. capitalism. I don't read any more into this than the fact that these people chose to do with their private property what they chose to do with it. If you feel like you want to sell all that you own and donate it to the church or to the needy then so be it. Nuns take a vow of poverty, in which they give up all their worldly possessions, because that's the calling they receive, as do monks; the key here being.....voluntary.

The disciples are in all sorts of trouble but manage to come out on top a gain and a gain....
They are locked up and then let out by an angel, was it the same one who let Jamie's dog out? Is there one angel who is in charge of cages? That would be an awesome angel job I think.

Stephen.....I shan't say any more.

I like "but they they were not able to resist the intelligence and the wisdom and the inspiration of the spirit with which and by Whom he spoke."

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I don't think I need to say too much more on that. The last comment applies just as well to this reading, as far as that subject. The voluntary thing is key here, since Peter told the one guy that held back that he didn't need to lie since it was his own money and land to begin with.

N/C on the rest. I think Crystal said it well, and the rest is self-explanatory. I esp. liked vs. 5.

Tomorrow is Acts 7-8.