Thursday, February 11, 2010

Acts 1-3

In the days after Jesus' death the disciples had to get it together and decide on a game plan. They had work to do. First they replaced Judas, who was deed, by casting lots and choosing a fella named Matthias.

As they are all together discussing their next move a fire comes and causes each one to speak in a different language about Jesus, God and heaven. People from all over are able to hear about Jesus in their own language and are very excited about it. Absolutely reminds me of the Santa in A Miracle on 34th St.
Because they are able to hear all the good news in their own tongue, many people become followers.

"and they steadfastly persevered, devoting themselves constantly to the instruction and fellowship of the apostles, to the breaking of bread [including the Lord's Supper] and prayers."

1 comment:

Jamie said...

rushing, mighty a fire, not an actual fire.

As should be crystal (pi) clear by now, baptism is of the Holy Spirit and NOT of water. Again, great tradition (water baptism), but only a precept of men, NOT a requirement of God. How anyone can read these 3 chapters and not see that I'll never understand.

2:45 is THE main verse liberation theologists, like Pres. Obama's pastor, use to claim that socialism and social welfare programs are Christian mandates. Of course this ignores a few things...namely all of the other many verses that seem to espouse private property, hard work, etc. , and the fact that this was something the disciples decided upon themselves to do to support each other as an organization so that they could go out and evangalise. It was not and is not, a commandment from God. Re-read it if you have to. The Bible does not espouse socialism in any way. Giving to the needy, widowed, orphan, disabled, etc. is not the same thing.

Tomorrow is Acts 4-6