Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Acts 11-12

You have the Libertarian Party, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party and the Circumcision Party. Let me just say that of them all the Circumcision Party is by far the most selective. The Jews for Jesus are in charge and they don't take kindly to any uncircumcised heathen.

But Peter explains....

Herod is afflicting and oppressing and tormenting some people who belong to the church. He kills James with a sword, and seeing that he got a rousing applause he decides to arrest Peter as well.

But who should come and break him out of jail but the Angel of the Lord, master Locksmith. He gets Peter out of his chains and out from betwixt two guards.

Peter goes to his people and thoroughly freaks them out.....Herod has the guards killed and puts on royal robes and speaks to the people. God strikes him down and worms eat him.