Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Acts 13-14

Barnabas and Saul have bean separated from the rest by God. They are sent to Cyprus, to preach the Word of God. John (mark) is also with them. They meet a wizard named Bar-Jesus. They asked that he stop making crooked the straight path of God and when he refused they made him blind. With this he became a convert. It was so easy then....you have doubts, you're blinded....you believe.

They then head to Perga and begin to preach in the Jewish synagogues. Most people like what they hear and return the following week to hear them speak again. Eventually however they are run out of town by some big wigs.

They are now at Iconium and the people there are divided. Some are pro Barnabas and Paul.....some are anti Barnabus and Paul. They hear of a plan to be molested and stoned and nothing good can come from that so they leave.

Next stop Lystra, where things seem to go from bad to worse. Here they heal a crippled man and instead of everyone praising God and becoming Christians, they think the duo to be Zeus and Hermes (saw his parade Friday night). This is not good, as the people thinking them Greek gods come to earth in human form, bring them all sorts of gifts. The two look at each other and say something along the lines of "I think we mighta made a huge mistake"

They try to straighten it out but Paul ends up getting stoned to what the townsfolk believe to be death and dragged out of town. However Paul is not dead and gets up and continues preaching with his pal.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I wish I could have the faith of the disciples. To get stoned so badly that everyone thinks you're dead, and then get up the next day and go back to spreading the gospel. Wow, that's pretty tough stuff. Then again, maybe believers now-a-days to have the faith of the apostles, maybe greater, afterall we haven't gotten to see Jesus in human form and perform all of those miracles and they did. Maybe our faith is greater and we just never realised it. If so, what then, can we accomplish by faith?

Tomorrow is the book of James