Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Matthew 13 Luke 8

There will be weeping and wailing AND grinding of teeth....
Jesus tells many parables about the kingdom of heaven. What I find so funny is when one of his disciples asked him point blank, why he speaks in parables. Don't exactly know why that cracks me up but it does.
Then what's great is the same guy asks him to explain the parable! Again, not sure why this makes me chuckle...?
So he explains about the angels coming down, throwing the bad guys into hell and taking the good guys to the pearly gates.
In Luke 8 we get the first mention of the mysterious Mary Magdalene.
I must say again, I really like Luke the best.
I love the way he tells the story of the seeds. I mean like, I really really love it. I must admit, it brought tears to my eyes. Admittedly, so do many commercials, nevertheless it's lovely to me.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Question is...What seed will you be?

Tomorrow is Mark 4-5