Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Matthew 12:22-50, Luke 11

Jesus is being accused of working for Satan, who I hear provides really crappy benefits, but the hours are good.
All of this reading is good. I love the rotten/healthy tree analogy. It doesn't matter how pure you appear to be on the outside, if your tree is rotten on the inside so shall your fruit be rotten.
12:35-37 I enjoy a great deal
In Luke 11 we again get the Lord's prayer, given to us directly from Jesus.
Luke11:34-36...... LOVE. How true is this? I don't care if you are a Christian or not this is true for anyone. there is no way you can constantly be around and witness negative people, images, situations and not feel it on the inside. I've probably mentioned this before, but theres a teacher at my school whom I call an "energy sucker". She is such a negative, grumpy person that whenever I'm around her for any lenght of time, I get a headache. She needs her lantern re lit, I think. I could talk about this for pages and pages but I shant.....
And then the watching and plotting and lying in wait begin.....for, no one this good can be trusted.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I like, Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.

We see in both these chapters that Jesus says, If you are not for me, then you are against me. There is no in between.

Tomorrow is Matt. 13 and Luke 8