Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mark 4-5

The parable about the sown seeds, the mustard seeds, and the angry seas...
So then Jesus meets a fella possessed by unclean spirits. Jesus orders them to leave the man. The spirits see a herd of hogs and beg that they me allowed to go into them. Jesus allows it, they take over the hogs and then proceed to throw themselves off a cliff and, yeah that's weird.
It freaked people out so much that they asked him politely to leave. The evil spirit guy begged to go with him. Jesus, in a brilliant PR move, had the guy stay so that he could tell everyone what God had done for him.
He healed a couple more people. After healing a little girl, he asked that no one should know this.
I'm wondering if this is because he wants people to have faith and not just believe because of miracles? Or because the maddness is getting out of hand?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Probably both.

Just as Jesus rebuked the stormy seas in 4:39, He can help you thru the storms of life.

You have to activate your faith.

Faith is more than believing, it's also expecting.

Tomorrow is Matt. 10