Thursday, January 7, 2010

Matt 10

Jesus is issuing marching orders to the 12 apostles. They are to go out and heal,and preach, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons...your everyday, run of the mill apolstly stuff.
They are to take no money and they are to stay with the most worthy of the towns folk.
When it gets heated, they are to high tail it outta that town and into the next.
They are to remember that they are never greater than their teacher, as slave cannot rise above master.
Jesus says he has come NOT to bring peace to the world, but a sword. I dare say this is not what people think of when they think of Jesus.
He wants us to love Him more than our parents or our children. If not we are not worthy of Him.I think some folks may find this one hard to swallow. The horse pill of teachings....

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Horse pill you might think it to be, but swallow it you must. Did that sound like Yoda? Anyway, my children will tell me that they love me more than anyone........except Jesus. That's ok with me. My priorities: God, children, wife, parents, brother & sister, grandmother, neices/nephews, inlaws, friends, etc. I hope my children's will be the same when they grow up.

I like vs. 19. I often pray this, esp. when it comes to writing this blog.

I also like vs. 28-33. Very important. We are very valuable to God, much more valuable than an animal (sorry PETA, animal rights should not be put above or equal to human rights), If you deny Jesus before man, He will deny you before God.

Tomorrow is Matt. 14 and Mark 6