Saturday, January 9, 2010

Matt 14 Mark 6

Crazy dramatic chapter 14 is. Herod (who because of the movie version of Jesus Christ Superstar will forever look like Dom Delusie to me) is having a party and promises to a lady friend, the head of John t B on a platter. He has bean hesitant to kill him until now,afraid of the public backlash. However, like John Hinckley Jr. shooting Reagan to impress Jody Foster, men will do a lot for us ladies.
When Jesus is told, he is very sad and goes to be alone, but not for long....the people come to be with him and Jesus feed them all with 5 loves of bread and 2 fish.
He goes off to be alone a gain and s he his coming back, he does the whole, walk on water thing. Peter asks Him to invite him out, and He does. As Peter is walking on the water also, he begins to feel a little uneasy. When he does, he begins to sink. AH ye of little faith says Jesus, as He is saving dear Peter from the water.
I like this metaphor. This, of course, isn't the first time we've seen it, but I really do like it. Its works on many levels I think.
Herod hears of Jesus and imagines him to be John risen from the dead. I think this speaks volumes about the kind of soul John was.


Jamie said...

What I found interesting is that not only were the 5,000 fed, but there was some left over. Why wouldnt this story (if it were not true) be written this way? Wouldnt it be good enough that He fed the 5,000 each a little bit, so that they weren't hungry? But to feed them not only until they were satisfied, but with some left over, is one of those little details that we spoke of before that actually make the story more believable. Think about that without looking through today's eyes, but through the eyes of time an place it was written.

Again, here we have major props to John, as we've had all through the NT, but Peter is called, Ye of little faith. huh, i'll be.

Tomorrow is Luke 9:1-17 and John 6

Jamie said...

We have also read in this text, and through out the NT so far that Jesus has given ALL of his 12 apostles power - to drive out demons, heal the sick, etc. Someone with little faith was given special power (more than the other apostles) to create THE church? I doubt it (like Thomas?).