Sunday, January 10, 2010

Luke 9 1-17, John 6

Luke was the bread and loaves a gain. John starts that way as well, butt with much more detail. Jesus talks much about his purpose here. The people ask for a sign, they refer to the manna eaten in the wilderness. Uh....didn't he just feed 5000+ of you with a few loves of bread and a couple of fish?!
Jesus tells them that he is not here to do his will, but to do the will of God.
Jesus is the bread that has come down from heaven, not the manna, he tells them. But the people are all like "but isn't this the son of Mary and Joe? How can he say he has come from heaven, when we know his parents?!"
I can see where that may be confusing.
Then Jesus says "don't talk about me like I'm not here"
....Oh wait....or was that Shelby from Steel Magnolias?
Either way he told them to shut it.
He goes on to tell everyone that only those that come to him of their own free will, shall have the bread. That is to say eternal life.
The forefathers ate the manna and died because that was not the actual bread from heaven. This seems like a very important message because he keeps saying it.
Some found this message hard to take and they withdrew.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

This is in NO way a mandate that you have to take communion to go to heaven, despite how some may take it totally out of context.

Tomorrow is Matt. 15 and Mark 7