Thursday, January 21, 2010

Luke 16-17:10


We have more talk about money, riches, and stuff. Basically saying what we said the other day. Your heart lies with you treasure....

No man can serve two masters. If you are a slave to money, your job and your stuff then there your heart lies.

God knows your heart.

We have the story of Lazarus, who was poor and lowly, going to Heaven; whilst his master goes to Hades. Did it work out that way simply because one was rich and one was poor? Of course not. Tis all about the heart.

And we finish up with a refresher on forgiveness. If your bro sins, tell him he is sinning and then forgive him. Even him he does it 7 times a day, and asks for forgiveness 7 times a day...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Chapter 16. If you've been praying for help with your finances, but you haven't been faithful with what God has given you already, then I wouldn't expect more. Do you tithe? Do you help the poor and needy? Do you shop too much for stuff you don't need? No one is saying you can't have nice stuff, or shop sometimes, but if you're always irresponsible with your money, and you're not faithful to give, then you need to make an adjustment.

Focus on serving God in every area of your life. Don't confine Him to the four walls of a church.

17:3 We see again, that it is, in fact, permissible, even obligatory to let someone know when they are sinnning. And if someone does you wrong, and IF they repent, you must forgive them.

Faith. You must believe and expect. Too many people may say that they believe that God can do this or that, but how many actually expect it? BIG difference.

Don't be the cause of someone else's temptation.

17:7-10 is so true of today's generation. Everyone wants special attention or credit for doing what they're supposed to do. My neices and nephews and sometimes even my children do this....drives me crazy. They'll say, But i did this or that; to which I'll say, Yeah, that's what you're suppposed to do. You get accolades for going above and beyond, not for doing what you're supposed to.

Tomorrow is John 11