Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Luke 14-15

This is one of my favorite songs from the play Godspell. I don't really like this version at all, twas the only one I could find however. Still its a great song, but the original cast version is a million times better.

In 14 Jesus talks again about being humble and helping those less fortunate. I like the example he gives about giving the dinner party for people who couldn't possibly pay it back as opposed to those who could.

I do love a dinner party, I don't care who you invite!

I kinda feel this is similar to giving anonymously to charity or helping someone without having to shout about from the rooftops... If you are only doing it so that you may receive praise from your peeps, then is for real? We read mention of this earlier when Jesus talked about don't let one hand know what the other is doing.....ON THE FLIP SIDE.... some may say that any help, no matter what the motive, is good......

Next we have the story a gain of the two brothers (sorta has a 3 little pigs vibe to it). One bro is the good hard worker, the other the partier. When the partier loses it all, he glues himself to another'm just thinking that that can't be good for anybody....

By and bye he repents and returns home and his dad is all in love with him for once being lost and now being found. Whist the whole time the other son was doing exactly as he was suppose to be doing.

How many times has this been played out in the movies?

I looked up the Prodigal Son theme, just for some examples. A couple I had thought of, like Legends of the Fall and Wizard of Oz. Some others I hadn't, like Good Will Hunting (one of my all time favs, because of course its about a super hot nerd. We all know how much I LOVE a super hot nerd) Boogie Nights, and Overboard, which I found interesting?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I love the story of the prodigal son. Couple things I wanted to note about it. It is of course, a great parable of how God feels towards us when we finally repent. Important to note is that the father saw the son coming from a long way off. He must hve been looking for him. And when he saw him, he ran to him. God is that way with us. He is earnestly looking for us to come to him, and when we do, He runs towards us. How great is that?

Tomorrow is Luke 16-17:10