Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Luke 12-13

"One thing I'll say for him...Jesus is cool..." One of the best lines in the play.

Man oh man I can see where people could take the lessons about possessions and dress in Luke 12 to the extreme in both directions. Taken as it is written, I totally agree and see the beauty in it however.

Today's reading if FULL of goodness! We get the Spiderman line, "for everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required". Poor Peter Parker shall learn these words to be oh so true.

There really is just so much in these two Chapters. None of it is new stuff, but really good, nevertheless. He talks of hypocrisy, of blasphemy, of faith...

12:2-3 This I hope, more than anything to be true, as I have the horrible privilege of dealing with some very bad people who mistreat children. The only comfort I find, is that someone is watching, and they will have to answer for their actions at some point.

12:34 "for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" this is so true in regards to possessions, material things....stuff. If you find your greatest joy to be your stuff, that cannot be good. This coming from a person who does enjoy stuff. It is, however, not my treasure.....far from it.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

At first i didn't understand what you were talking about taking 'dress' to the extreme, but i do now. i don't think, tho, this is where many of the 'religions' get their dress code...we'll see that later. People should remember that, as far as the specifics of this dress, etc., Jesus was talking to his disciples, not to 'us'. Altho there is definitely a lesson about worry and God's providing for us, in there.

i totally agree with crystal on the not focusing on material wealth and pretense. it doesn't say you can't or shouldn't strive to be successful, but if that is all or mostly what you're focused on, you cannot be properly focused on God's work. And although i firmly believe the Bible espouses capitalism and definitely not socialism, it does repeatedly call on Christians to give to the poor, to not be niggardly with their blessings of any kind...material, joy, etc. You can share joy just by smiling at someone or giving them a compliment or encouraging word....don't hide your light under a bushel.

Tomorrow is Matt. 14-15