Monday, January 18, 2010

Luke 10-11 John 10:22-42

I try every day to refrain from retarding my journey to no avail.
The disciples are giving more marching orders and I must say all I can picture is young men in white shirts riding bicycles. I wonder if the villagers who saw them coming went to the back of their houses and hid also.
I do like that they wish peace on the houses they enter. I wonder if this is where the "peace be with you.....and also with you" part of the Episcopal and Catholic service derives from.
He speaks to the disciples when they have returned, with one asking the question "what am I to do to inherit everlasting life?" Jesus asks him to explain what he sees written in the Law.
You must love God with all of your heart, soul, strength and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus says...exactamundo!
I'm afraid I don't see the later part of that request being followed quite as closely as the first. Where are all the good Samaritians? I don't mean in regards to money, because money is easy to throw at a persons problem and it often times makes it worse. I mean compassion and empathy in place of disdain and disgust.
Lords Prayer a gain.
More retelling.
"There's a darkness upon me that's flooded in light. And the fine print that tells me what's wrong and what's right, and comes in black and it comes in white and I'm frightened by those who don't see it."
Those are lyrics from an Avett Brothers song I love, Luke 11:34-36 reminded me of it.
Jesus is causing all sorts of trouble with the big wigs. Calling them out on the fact that they set themselves above everyone, for loving to be greeted and bowed down to in the marketplaces. Hmmm what does this bring thoughts of?
He also has yet another conversation about the washing of the dishes before eating, as they are appalled that he doesn't was the outside of his cup....
Isn't the maker of the outside also the maker of the inside? You wash the outside and yet the inside is rotten....says he.
Indeed...says I.
In John, we read of more doubt by the Jews. I must admit, I love doubt. I find doubt healthy, as long as you are not totally closed off to the possibility of the alternative.
I don't think this will come as a big shock to love of doubt. I just think I would have a MUCH harder time with it if Jesus were to have said "I am GOD" and everyone were to fall to their knees in acceptance.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I think doubt and question is good, too, but when it's right in your face and you refuse to acknowledge it, that makes no sense. These peeps have bean given tons of proof.

Since I so often blast Catholics, etc. for their mis-guidedness, let me now do some for the religion that I grew up in....the Pentecostals. In Luke 10:18 is where they get some of that handling of snakes, thing. Some Pentecostals believe if your heart is right, you can handle snakes without being bitten or at least dying from the bite. This is totally idiotic. Remember the verse about not testing God?

Tomorrow is Luke 12-13