Thursday, January 14, 2010

John 7-8

Lots going on in John 7. Basically we see the great divide betwixt the Jews. Those that believe Jesus to be the Christ and those we don't.
"Let he among us without sin, be the first to condemn..."
A woman who has bean accused of committing adultery is brought to Jesus. Under the law of Moses she is to be stoned, and the Pharisees are anxious to see what Jesus shall do with her.
He then delivers the line that will be used over and over in pop culture in various forms. The Pharisees were none too pleased with this..Jesus tells them that they have set themselves up to judge according to what they see, by external human standards.
Jesus says that He does not judge or condemn or sentence anyone, but if He were to judge, he has the Big Guy whispering in his ear. This makes two, and two witnesses is good in the book of Law.
Jesus again mentions that he shall be leaving soon, and this continues to vex people.
A heated discussion ensues in which Jesus tries to explain a gain who He is and what He is doing here....but, to no avail.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I just want to make the point again, that there is a difference between bringing to someone's attention that they are sinning, and judging them for sinning. Afterall, we are all sinners.

Tomorrow is Luke 9:28-62