Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Matt 17 Mark9

The meeting with Moses, Eli, Jesus and God again. More of the disciples not having enough faith in Jesus and in themselves.
The disciples are arguing about who is the best, which cracks me up to visualize. When Jesus asks what they are talking about, they are afraid to tell him, again I find this humorous.
Then Jesus has a little talk with his fellas.
If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off...your foot causes you to stumble, chop it off......if its your eye, pluck it.
It is better to go through life as a one handed, one footed, cyclops than to spend foeva in h-e double hockey sticks.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Mark 9:42 is very important, too. It's the start of the responsibility of parents and "mentors" to correctly bring up and teach their children. If they are not taught right, we will be held accountable.

Tomorrow is John 7-8