Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Esther 4-10

Ok so I was suppose to read 1-5 and 6-10 but I wasn't paying attention so here I shall make up for it.
Mortie and his fellow Jews are weeping and wailing in the streets, clothed in sack cloths and ashes.
The queen hears this and send him clothes which he refuses.
Esther wants to know what's up and orders her man to get the skinny. He does and she agrees to speak to the king about perchance NOT killing all her people.
She has a dinner and by and by...at the very last minute the whole scam was discovered! And Haman, the very man who orchestrated the hanging, was hung on the very gallows he had built!
It gets even better. Mortie is made top dog and the Jews are given major authority. On the very day they were to be massacred they are given an edict that gave them power over their enemies.
I know!? Right?!
The Jews did some smoting and some smiting to all who hated them, and then they made it a holiday of thanksgiving.
The end.


Jamie said...

The Lord works all things together for our good. If God is for us who dare be against us? No weapon formed against us will prosper. The Lord will fight our battles for us.

I love this story.

Tomorrow is Ezra 7-10

Justin said...

Judges 1:19 (King James Version)

19 And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.


Jamie said...

"...and THEY drove out...but THEY could not..." because they did not seek God's counsel or help, most likely. As was the case many times before.

Jamie said...

If we seek His counsel and help we are guaranteed success (one way or another). We may be successful going it alone, but that's a gamble.