Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ezra 7-10

We finally meet Ezra here in chapter 7, and guess what?! He was a writer. Ah ha.
Ezra, with protection from God takes a crew of folks and heads to Jerusalem.
When they get there is bad news awaiting. All the people who have bean living there have married whomever they pleased be it Canaanite, Hittite, Perizzite, Jubsite and any other ite they wanted. The seeds have a bean contaminated.
Not good folks, not good atall.
Ezra freaked out, to put it mildly. And in turn the men freaked out.they collectively decided in order to avoid the cup o' wrath, they would exile all the wives and children of mixed birth.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

cg7:6 "...the hand of the Lord his God was upon Him." Always a good sign (for us too).

8:22 "...The hand of our God is upon all them for good who seek Him,..."

Ahhhh the heathen wives leading their husbands down the road of paganism. How many hundreds of years has it bean, and they still don't get that marrying people who do not believe in God will ultimately lead to them committing iniquity?

Btw, Ezra is the 14th great grandson of Aaron (Moses' brother).

Tomorrow is Nehemiah 1-5