Sunday, December 13, 2009

Esther 1-3

Ok, so when I took the facebook quiz (which we all know are VERY accurate and true to life) entitled "Which book of the Bible are you" I was Esther. Therefore, I am most excited to read this book.
Right away I know this is my type of book. The opening scene is a grand party. Beautifully decorated, fine stem ware, a seven day feast, and eunuches...
But it goes down hill fast. The queen is ordered to come before the king so that he may show off her beauty. She, however, doest not come.
How dare she!?
This doest not sit well with thy king, soon woman will be doing whatever they please.
So he orders a divorce and a decree saying that every man shall rule his own house (king of the castle, lord of the manor).
The kings toadies suggest that he get himself a hot young trophy virgin for a wife instead.
Good idea, thought the king and he orders that the hottest young virgins be rounded up and he would choose one.
So they were. They wouldn't see the king however, for 12 months because they had to be purified and it took THAT long.
Crazy eh!?
6 months with oil of myrrh and 6 months with sweet spices and perfumes. And then they were ready, among them was Esther.
As one might guess, Esther being the name of the book and all, she was his pick.
Esther was raised by Mordecai some relative of hers. Mordecai manages to anger the wrong people. These people decide that since Mordecai is a Jew that instead of just killing him, how's about they kill all the Jews. So they speak with the king and convince him that the Jews are a bad lot. He orders that every single Jew, be them man, woman or child be killed.
Here's the twist....although we haven't gotten to it yet, I bet is darling Esther is Jewish because she was raised by Mordecai. No one knows that however.
See were this is going people!?
Can't wait to read tomorrow!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I thought 4:14-15 were especially good. Mordecai tells Esther, that if she helps, fine, but if she doesn't God will find another way regardless, (and then hints that it would behoove (sp?) her not to be a spoil sport). He also says, that this could be the reason she had been given favor in the eyes of the king to begin with. She wisely relents, and says she will approach the king on the matter even if it means..."OFF with her head!".

Tomorrow is Esther 6-10. Btw, today was 1-5, not 3.