Monday, November 16, 2009

Lamentations 1- 3:36

Here Jeremiah laments for Jerusalem as well as all the other desolate places. He doesn't do a lot of "why?! Why?! Why?!s" though the "why's" are clear.
He does ask that all the foes of Jerusalem, who are LOVING the destruction of zee Lord, be brought down as well.
The cup o' wrath is piping hot and ready to go.
"The Lord has become like an enemy"
I like 2:13
Do you think Jere feels like a failure? He wasn't able to really get anyone to listen? Is that what chapter 3 is about?
I know jamie hearts 3:25-26 and really most of the rest of the reading. How many times have I heard this in the year since I've known him?!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

True. Actually 3:21-28

I think God needs to give Jeremy a pep talk. Similar to one I gave my son the other day. He said he was going to sing good at his Christmas play so that his mom would be proud of him. And, of course, I told him, that it doesn't matter how well he does that determines how proud we are of him, but rather that he tried his best. I think the Lord is proud of and appreciative of Jeremiah's efforts and obedience.