Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jer. 49-50

More and more anger.
Edom.....gone, Damascus..... feeble, Kedar, destroyed, Hazor.....jackal haven, Elam......dismayed and terrified.
However, the best is saved or Babylon. Chapter50 is basically 46 verses of Babylonian smack down.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

God used Babylon to punish Israel, and they (Babylon) had an opportunity to continue to be blessed, but they took the credit upon themselves, and trusted in their own might and power instead of whence it truly came. A lot of people read this and they think idols are only the statue-like images we see in the movies, but really an idol can be anything we put our trust in [over God]. Our military might, technology, etc. I'm not saying it's bad to use those things, afterall, God gave us the talents and intelligence to create them, but when we begin to rely mostly on them, and trust in them, and think they (as our creations) are what makes us great, or we are great because of the things that we can create, then those become idols in the context that the Lord seems to not approve of.