Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jeremiah 10-13

O lord, correct, instruct,and chastise me, but with judgment and in just measure- not in Your anger, lest You diminish me and bring me to nothing.
We were once thought so highly of as to be called a green olive tree, not so much anymore. He's burning that tree down.
"You are near in their mouths but far from their hearts"....LOVE that!
God has chooses to demonstrate a lesson in a very strange way. He has Jeremiah buy a girdle, wear it, then hide it, then find it spoiled and decayed.
This, says God is what I will do to the pride of Judah and Jerusalem.
So, that was a weird lesson I think.
Then He's going to get them all drunk and dash them against one another.
Then, He ends a gain with "really?!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I like the, near their mouths but far from their hearts, too. This goes to the point I made yesterday.