Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jeremiah 7-9

God lays down some pretty simple guidelines, be nice to strangers,the fatherless, the widows, don't kill innocent people, and don't go after other gods. I mean, I think that's pretty do-able.
Then its just more of the same we've gotten from the other prophets. God speaks his peace. I've done this and I've done that, and you've done what you want, when you want.
He is speaking of the people who may have a curcumcised body part, but it isn't their heart.
Their heart remains uncircumcised.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Once again God tells them to "Amend you ways and doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place..." But as Ms. Crystal says, they still won't listen.

We see more about how God hates when people go through the motions of being Christians/believers, but aren't sincere in their hearts. Again, I will point this out to all Christians religions, esp. the ones that seem to be most guilty of this...Catholics, Episc, Lutheran, Baptist, Pentecostals, etc. In vs. 10 it says, And [the [you] dare to] come and stand before Me in this house, which is called by My Name, and say, [By the discharge of tis religious formality] we are set free! - only to go on with this wickednesss...
Once again, you cannot live however you want Mon thru Sat. and then come to mass or confession and partake in communion on Sun. and think that you're ok with God, you're not.

9:23-24 are powerful.