Friday, October 30, 2009

Jeremiah 4-6

God is telling these people if they will just listen and do as he says all will be alright.
Apparently they AREN'T going to listen. I know this, you know this, I feel like Jeremiah knows this. The only person who doesn't seem to know this is God himself.
Is He just a hopeless romantic? Has He been blinded by love? Is He caught up in the emotions?
He's in a bad relationship. The kind where everyone around you knows its over. You know deep down somewhere that its over, but you continue to grasp.
"Remember that one time when she girded her loins for Me? She does really love Me.And what about that time she wore that sackcloth dress, just because she knew how much I loved it?"
I think its time you both spent some time apart. Let something go and if it comes back it was truly meant to be (or as Wayne says "I say hurl, if you blow chunks and she still comes, then it was meant to be).
He's going to let them go. They are going right into the arms of an evil new boyfriend.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I find 5:22 interesting. God says He made the waves to where they can only come so far on the beaches...interesting because only sand could do what sand does. If there was only dirt along shorelines, the waves would constantly eat away at it. Only sand has the properties to take a day in and day out beating from the waves. There are just certain things (many really) that science can't account for. Let me guess what the skeptics will say....just another coincidence of how the earth just happened to evolve in a good way. Here's my question....why didn't it evolve in a bad way; that is, all of the shorelines were dirt and washed out and now there's no land left and we all die or evolve back into fish? Lucky coincidence I guess.