Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jeremiah 1-3

I love a new prophet. Although I'm beginning to feel like these are the "hall monitors" of the holy land. I haven't really felt close to one since Moses. None since he seem very likable as people, which may be why no one listens to them. They all seem like grumpy old men. Like the troll who lives under the bridge, yelling and screaming at passers by.

After all don't you get more flies with honey?

Here's to hoping Jeremiah is different.

God chooses Jeremiah when he is in the womb. He separated him as soon as soon as he was born. And Jeremiah is used to speak for God at a young age. I'm feeling hopeful. A kid telling people about God, not THAT'S someone I would listen to.

Call up all the people and tell them I am mad, says God. Gird up your loins, boy!

Then God delivers his message, with goes something like this....I remember the good ole' days when you people loved me? That was a good time. Now you people are like hot camels and donkeys in heat, running after idols. So here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to bring a wrath down on you and lets see those "gods" save your butts. How does THAT sound you bunch of wild asses?

And we have lots of comparisons between cheating spouses and the people of Israel. And prostitutes and the people of Israel. And of course animals in heat and the people of Israel.

So far I give Jeremiah a thumbs up. He is speaking to the people in words they understand. He doesn't seem too angry as of yet.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Early in chapter 1 (vs.12)we see that it says that God is watchful to fulfill His word. I really like that. And I want to point out that God is watchful to fulfill every good thing His word says about us and our salvation....all of His promises of help, deliverance, blessings, protection, etc. Growing up pentecostal I always heard about the downside, ya know?'re going to hell scenario, and although I know that's important for people to know, we too often forget about all of the upside. God is waiting and watchful for an opportunity for you, in exercising your free will, to activate His promises by activating your faith. It is faith that ignites the fire of His blessings and promises.

Tomorrow is Jer. 4-6