Monday, November 2, 2009

Jer 14-17

Lots of talk to begin with about false prophets. These people bother me today as well. The tv preachers who ask for money, these people I can't figure out.
I think this is strangely cool "Your words were found and I ate them"
Like 15:17 too for some reason.
This idol stuff is SERIOUS! God really and truly hates idols and by hate, I mean he HATES them.
I mean seriously, "can a man make gods for himself? Such are not gods"
Then at the end of the reading, we get a little old school God. A review lesson about not working on the Sabbath.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

You should always be leary of people who ask for money....even preachers. There are some televangelists who don't, though.