Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jer 18-21

God loves the potter metaphor. This time when he uses it, he actually has Jeremiah go and look at a potter working at his wheel. Its like a little field trip for him. To make the learning more concrete.
Jeremiah is told to get a potter's earthen bottle. Take some old people and elderly priests and.... break the bottle!
19:9 is a bit freaky
We finally get a little action. Pshhur, who was the son of a priest heard Jer saying all this stuff and beat him up. Then he puts him in the stocks.
When he was let out, did he keep quiet? No. He went right back to his ranting.
He's getting p-retty dark toward the end of 20.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

And STILL thru all of this God tells them again, that if they'd just stick to the covenant they made with Him, that He'd relent, but nooooooooo they won't do that. Apparently God is the god of second chances, and third, and fourth, and umpteenth.