Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jeremiah 23- 25

23:14 reminds me again of the tv preachers. (Not all of them). It actually goes on and on to talk about the false prophets.
And here God says something that I always think(23:24). These people claim to believe so firmly in the garbage they spew. And they KNOW they are lying. Do they not think that the God they are talking about, is watching with disbelief?
OR do they not really believe anything they are saying?
OR have they convinced themselves that the voice in their heads, telling them to take the old peoples money, is really God?
OR is it hot in here OR are they crazy?
Another field trip for dear Jeremiah. This time to look at some good and bad figs. Good figs, good. Bad figs, bad.
The Big Guy has a plan. He's going to get all the kings so drunk that they vomit. Then kill em. He's killing a bunch of people on the earth.
"Who's gonna bury them all?" you may ask.
No one, their dead bodies shall be dung upon the ground.


Jamie said...

I think it's funny that you think of tv preachers when false prophets are mentioned, and I think a more accurate depiction would be like a notradamus or one of these secular progressives that thinks moral relativism is ok. Like in 23:17 it says "they say to everyone who walks after the stubbornness of his own mind and heart, No evil shall come upon you." They "preach" we are our own gods, etc. In vs. 23:34 we see more examples of the same types of secular progressives we have nowadays when it says, "..whoever [in mockery calls the owrd of the Lord a burden..." Isn't that one of the arguments now about Judeo-Christians principles? You shouldn't deprive yourself of what feels good and what you want to do on account of some backwards, superstitious belief in God and His set of moral principles. So, I don't see them as tv preachers cause although some of them are greedy and insincere in their hearts, I think the false prophets that this text speaks of are those that are teaching that you can do whatever you want, and it's ok.

We have yet another coincidence of fulfilled prophecy in 25:11. How many is that now? I lost count. And yet again, another very specific prophesied and fulfilled prophecy, unlike the vague, generalized, horoscope-type, "codes"/prophecies of Nostradamus or DaVinci, etc. You know the ones that go like.., "And the big nation shall be consumed with fire during the year x^&4%, and the sky will be dark". And all the intellectual elites interpret that as the bombing of Hiroshima or something stupid like that.

Jamie said...

Tomorrow Jer. 26-29