Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I love these old icon paintings. This is one I found of Habakkuk.

As I started reading this book it sounded a bit like David's psalms. "O Lord, how long shall I cry for help and you not hear me..." Very Davidian.

Love this line " For the maker trusts in his own creation (as his gods) when he makes dumb idols" Adore the use of the word dumb here.

Also enjoy that the prayer of Habakkuk is set to wild , enthusiastic, and triumphal music. I'm really digging this book thus far.

"The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering or responsibility]!

I think that's a nice prayer. I mean, what more could a person ask for in a God?


Jamie said...

Those are all things I was thinking as well.

And more drinking o' the cup o' wrath. You love that one too.

Anything gained unrighteously (lying, stealing, swindling, etc.) will utlitmately be lost. Umm, Bernie Madoff.

I think 2:6 is saying something like, don't use other people to finance your projects (...who loads himself with promissory notes for usury!). Working in construction and being a subcontractor we get this a lot.

In 2:3 ...Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day.
That means when God's deliverance is ready (be it for salvation, healing, or any problem you are going through), nothing can stop it. Do what you can and need to do as your part, but once you've accomplished that, wait patiently for the Lord to do His part. We see in this text it WILL come and will not be late. It will be exactly when you need it (whether you realise it or not). As Christians that it is one thing we forget wait, not only with patience, but expectantly. All Christians believe that God can, but many forget to believe that He will. Faith is believing AND expecting. This is why I said earlier that I now pray almost exclusively in, Thank you's. The Bible says God knows what we need and want even before we ask. It says that He will not keep even one desire that is in our heart from us. It says to wait [earnestly] and expectantly for it. For as your faith is, so shall it be done. And that we should be grateful and thankful all the day long. So I pray in thank you's because I know and believe in all of these things. God knows what I need, He's working on it, it will happen when it's best for me, it's as though it's already been taken care of, and I want to thank Him for it and give Him the glory for doint it.

Finally, I think Ch.1 is a good warning for the secular countries of the world, including us if we continue on that path. Here are some key verses: vs. 4 "...justice goes forth perverted." Justice is always perverted when the "letter of the law" is held above justice itself. vs. 7 "...their justice and dignity proceed [only] from themselves." Isn't this where we are headed? There is no God, evolution is king, we are our own gods, etc. vs. 8 The might and strength of our military. vs.11 "...they load themselves with guilt, [as do all men] whose own power is their god."

Tomorrow is Jer. 41-45

Whendsome said...

I absolutely meant to mention the cup o' wrath, just slipped me mind. That's what a morning of coffee with my friend Mary will do to ya.