Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jeremiah 41-45

Ishmael is a slewin son of a gun. He slews so many that the bodies fill a cistern. There are so many people in this first chapter. I had to red it a few times to get it all straight.
With all this talk of Ishmael, is anyone else craving a fish dinner?
Jeremiah meets with the few people who haven't been slewn, smote, captures or burned. They ask that he speak to God on their behalf. He agrees (cuz that's just the kinda guy he is). They promised to listen to what he had to say, no matter what. You just know Jeremiah thought this was a breath of fresh air.
God tells them that if they stay, He shall take care of them. He even says that He will take off his white wig...
And then guess what?! Surprise, Surprise, some people didn't believe him.
He says, don't go to Egypt...they go to Egypt.
And so Egypt is gonna get it too! This is no God's turning his back stuff going on here. This is God is destroying and delivering peeps into evil. What he has built, he will break down....what he has planted, he will pluck up...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Yeah, this is just insane. I've never heard of a more stubborn-hearted people. Well, maybe.

I almost felt like God was almost pleading with them at one point. Like He was saying, Please, please, stop doing that, please obey so I don't have to punish you for breaking your covenant with me (over, and over, and over again). Yet they still would not relent. Is there anyone out there that still thinks God acts rashly or that He's somehow out of line for continually giving these people chances. I mean, even if you love someone, at some point you have to say enough is enough.

Tomorrow is Jer. 46-48