Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ezekiel 1-4

Ok so Ezekiel starts off a little freaky, I adore freaky so I'm diggin it.
An appearance of 4 creatures, out of fire. They looked like men, but with 4 faces each as well as four wings. They had regular straight legs, but the foot of a calf.
And they were sparkley.
They had arms.
The front of their face was that of a man, the right side of the head however, was a lion. The left an ox, and the back was an eagle.
According to the notes, these are the ways Jesus is described by matthew, mark, e luke.
Then we get the wheel. These wheels follow around these creatures.
You read that right.
When they move the wheels move.
When they rise up, the wheels rise up.
It says that the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheel.
Then God appears in a big blue chair hovering over ice in a flame. There was a rainbow and I think a unicorn was pulling him. (That I my have added for dramatic effect....or did I?)
And now HE speaks...

He tells E all about the terrible rebellious people that he must straighten up. "Let's see if they listen to you...for good measure I want you to eat this book.
No dummy not figuratively! Literally. I've bean told it tastes like honey, I'm working on chicken but every time it comes out as honey? "
God gives a great pep talk to E and sends him on his way.
He sits for awhile, overwhelmed. Which I find refreshing. It is overwhelming, take that in, I say. Take a moment to understand what's been asked of you. Gather your thoughts and plans.
After his 7 days of thought. God returned.
He returned with some even stranger ideas in his bag o tricks.
He's got all sorts of ideas for E. Even cooking with poop. I love this book.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Yeah, that part in the notes about each of the first four books of the Bible describing Jesus in a different light: Mathew, a lion (the King), Mark, an ox (a servant), Luke a man (humanity), and John an eagle (a Deity). These four books, I always thought were almost exact copies of one another. I never thought to look at them in this way. I was so excited to learn this today. Now, I will read them much differently than before.

God even through or during His punishment of them for breaking their covenant still continually gives them a light and a hope and a way out. You'd think eventually (sooner rather than later) they'd take it.

I wonder, Is cooking with poop "green". American Indians used buffalo "chips". They(left wing nuts) claim that cattle flatulence is the biggest contributor to green house gases (is it) in the entire world...even more than autos. So does burning their poop do harm to the environment? And what do you do about it, cuz if you killed all the cows then PETA (other left wing nuts) would freak out? Inter left wing nut war would break out. We can only hope. But I digress.

Tomorrow Ez. 5-8